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Bobby's Thursday Blog

Who is God?

Today is Ground Hog Day, February 2nd. Good Ol’ Punxsutawney Phil is ready to predict how much more winter weather is left for us in 2023? Wherever we get our weather forecast each day, lots of people tune in, just for fun. Who knows, maybe that rascal has some actual data, history and accuracy over the years. We might learn something? (News Flash: He saw his shadow. 6 more weeks winter). Yikes!

This weekend we launch a new Bible series titled, GOOD CALL: No More D.I.Y. For seven weeks we’ll dig in and explore together 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John. These are three short letters nearly at the end of our Bible. If you are looking for the specific location, right before Jude and Revelation. What might we learn?

It used to be that the “Sex Talk” was the parenting discussion most feared. With everything in our modern culture so sexualized our kids may know far too much, already, before the talk. It may seem counter intuitive but this may be a great time to prepare our kids to learn more about the topic of sex from God’s viewpoint. Who knows, we might all learn something?

Keeping this idea in mind, what might we learn - from our new winter series? I encourage you to make some space and time for this powerful study from the Bible. Once again, it may seem counter-intuitive to ask, Who is God? However, this may be the perfect series and best time ever to discover what we really believe and KNOW about the One True God of the Bible?

Are you intrigued yet? Join us this weekend Journey Sat@6pm or Sun@10:30am. Bring a GUEST and seat buddy for the “God Talk” we’ll share. Seriously, who knows what we might learn together?

Who is God? Let’s search to answer this fundamental question together?

People are just people. We try to fix ourselves like another D.I.Y project. Many times having to call for backup: HELP: I WRECKED MY HOUSE. Here is a prayer written long ago by theologian, Henri Nouwen, describing human nature.

I so much want to be in control. I want to be the master of my own destiny. Still I know that you are saying: ‘Let me take you by the hand and lead you. Accept my love and trust that where I will bring you, the deepest desires of your heart will be fulfilled.’ Lord, open my hands to receive your gift of love. Amen.

Rather than repeated D.I.Y. mistakes, leading to MORE regrets… ask God for a little/lot HELP sooner than later. Good Call.

Go God.



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