OK, I admit the title above is a trick. One of my guys in small group recently said, “When I get to heaven the first thing I’m going to do is find my grandmother. I want to smell her cooking bacon in the kitchen again.”

For most guys it would be pretty hard to beat the aroma and smell of bacon in a frying pan. Fellas, this weekend is Mother’s Day 2023. Here’s a tip for how to let MOM know how much you VALUE her. Just let MOM know you love her, even more than bacon!
Join us this weekend at Journey Community Christian Church for part two, VALUED. We’ve got special plans in place to make Mother’s Day at Journey a special time for you and MOM. You’ll be guided inside to tasty food at the coffee bar, a photo booth to capture memories, and a message from the Bible which makes MOM smile. MIGHTY MOM is the best.
If not for MOM where would we be. Even if your MOM is no longer with us, join us, helping keep her memory alive. We’ll celebrate all the sacrifices and love MOMS show each of us, every day of the year. Mom is soft and gentle when needed. She is also strong and confident when needing to be firm.
“A young mother was exasperated that her 3 year old son wouldn’t remember to put his clothes on before going outside. One morning she him playing in the backyard in nothing but his training pants. She called to him through the living room window: ‘Billy, what are you doing running around outside in your underwear?’ Without hesitation, he innocently responded: ‘I’m not Mom. I’m walking.’ ”
Let’s all set aside a little time for MOM this weekend. It’s nice to be nice. Let Journey Church be a part of your weekend plans. I promise we will go out of our way to make MOM feel special. We are better together.
Mom’s rule, even better than bacon. People Matter Most.