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Bobby's Thursday Blog

Waiting...But With a Purpose

Waiting is not one of our most enjoyable situations to encounter in life. If you live in a major city, waiting for the traffic light to change is frustrating. If we’ve been to the doctor for medical tests and are waiting for the results, it can be an anxious time. If we’ve planned an outdoor activity with family and friends but stormy weather rained us out, it is disappointing.

This weekend at Journey Community Christian Church we’ll begin a new five week Summer series titled, NOW WHAT? The background is the story of Moses and the Israelites wandering in the wilderness for forty years. The truth about making plans for the future, plans my be abruptly interrupted. Life has a way of taking us hostage, off-grid, offline, with no map to follow.

Our series from Exodus guides us through several personal challenges Moses faced as a leader and follower of God. Most people know the story about Moses and the 10 Commandments. Before any of this happened, though, there was a long season of WAITNG and feeling lost; with no guide book to follow into the Promised Land.

Waiting for God to respond or answer prayers always creates some significant questions? This first lesson we’ll explore three relevant questions: 1- WHAT’S going on? 2 - How can I HANDLE this? 3 - What can GOD do?

If this topic seems helpful to you make plans to join us Journey Sat@6pm or Sun@10:30am. As always you can connect with Journey in person and online. This weekend we celebrate another Journey Church birthday, #16. We’re going to share some of the pictures of the past with a music video and also a birthday cake on the coffee bar. Come on inside if you are in town.

Looking back, after all these years, beginning a different kind of church family; a place for people who don’t go to church, we often asked ourselves, NOW WHAT? You also may find personal application in your own life of periods of waiting for new direction from God. What might we learn together about growing, deepening our faith when the unexpected suddenly appears?

If you are waiting for a new mission, purpose in life this series will help give you things to ponder and consider. For those who are grieving losses or find themselves hesitant to make decisions, this series will feature Bible verses which bring us confidence and hope.

If you are in town this weekend make plans to join us and bring a guest. Tell them we’re talking about practical action steps forward, when the path ahead of us becomes unclear and uncertain at times.

None of us like to wait for very long. We grow impatient and are anxious to do something. I ran across this quote this week. “If God is making you WAIT… then do what waiters do, serve!”

If you find this quote insightful, maybe share this with a friend who is anxiously waiting, right now, for something good in their life.

Help others understand, when we find ourselves waiting, it may actually turn out, to be for our good.

See you Saturday or Sunday at Journey weekend! Let’s celebrate birthday #16 Journey Church Cynthiana. Go God!



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