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Bobby's Thursday Blog

The Battle of the Mind

I got a short text this morning from a Journey friend and regular in our weekend worship. The text said, “I hope you are having a great week!” I can’t tell you how nice that felt. I wanted to return the favor. I responded by saying, “How great is this sunshine?” I am a firm believer in sharing quick little texts and leaving hand written notes for people. I try doing this every day, with all the people I can. Little things, become big.

“We are just people. We’re not Jesus.” Our mind plays little tricks on us. My day, probably like yours, normally starts in a (UP) good direction. Suddenly, unexpected trouble or concerning news appears. My early morning caffeine is not enough to recalibrate my mid-morning (DOWN) thoughts. What then?

Here’s one suggestion. I have found short bursts of positivity, using a few key words, often become the spark needed for helping people like us, get back-on-track. It helps me get back on track. When I’ve felt stuck in a moment of disappointment/uncertainty, hope is usually restored with a friendly gesture or kind word. Little things, become big.    

The best medicine for negativity is hearing positive words again. Whatever you are doing right now at work, or school, try to be nice. Look for something good to say. Pay someone (anyone) a compliment, however you can. Little things, become bigger.

This weekend at Journey Church Cynthiana, Bryan Martinez, Youth/family minister, will share a message which helps address our human struggle (battle) and very personal fight; the one taking place inside our head. Our enemy (Satan) is all around us, but especially in our thinking and thought process. How does anyone begin to control their thoughts for better ones? Good question.

Bryan will share… Journey Sat@6pm/Sun@10:30am… a few Biblical tips for conquering this battle for our minds more effectively. If this sounds relevant and helpful, join us and bring a seat buddy to check things out. We continue growing and meeting new people almost every weekend because you are bringing new people. You Journey Church guys are the best.

God is up to something really special and exciting at Journey Church Cynthiana. Go God. People Matter Most.

Let’s help each other. We are better together.


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