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Bobby's Thursday Blog

Staying Connected

Who hasn’t become frustrated with a slow internet connection? You may be one of those people who can remember the only available email was AOL. And the only internet connection was a dial-up phone service. The loud, annoying buzzing sound of a phone line making our connection is still audible in my head.

With time, technology has exponentially improved the speed and consistency of our Internet connections. Cable connections, fiber optic, and high speed satellite options now are the norm for browsing the information highway. As Internet connectivity has drastically improved, real person, real time connectivity has not kept pace.

In spite of better options with technology for connecting people, people are missing in-person, real-time connections with people. It appears people linger way longer in the lobby at church having chat time with each other.

Chad Ragsdale, Professor at Ozark Christian College said, “The contours of culture today are very different. The technology rich generation today, always on, always connected feels like our lives are saturated with technology. This creates times of fragmentation and disenchantment with personal relationships. In 1990 EVERY man said they had at least 1 friend. In 2023 men who said they had at least 1 friend was only one in FIVE.”

The recent pandemic and internet have accelerated feelings of isolationism. There has never been a better opportunity for Jesus and His Church to speak about the importance of people staying connected with one other, not just virtual; but in real time relationships.

Chad Ragsdale suggested, “We need courage, compassion, and wisdom from Scripture for the always changing times, we are living today.” This weekend at Journey Church Cynthiana we return to our fall series, Forward Thinking, getting past our past. We are discovering together - being together often… is how GOD in the Bible guides and increases our courage, compassion, and wisdom related to modern events each day.

This weekend we’ll explore Ephesians 4:1-16 - several relevant, practical tips for best methods, investing (connecting) our life wisely will be in the notes. Or saying this another way, how might (we) individual parts connect to other (parts) people, for a better world.

We have all heard this said, a lot, since the pandemic: We are better together. Surely we can learn to work together more effectively as families, churches, cities, counties, governments, nations, and the world. God is extremely interested in our stewardship of life. Life (every life) is a gift to be enjoyed and cherished. Connections with people are important.

People matter most. How might we improve connectivity with people nearby, (not just virtual online conversation) in the neighborhood, school, and church. Join us at Journey Community Christian Church. Bring a guest to check things out.

We have options for everyone. If you like smaller crowds and have a hard time getting started in the morning, try Journey Saturday@6pm. Or, if you like the aroma and smell of fresh coffee brewing in the morning try Fred’s Famous Coffee - Journey Sunday@10:30am - served hot at the Journey Coffee bar.

TOGETHER… is better…. in-person and online…. Weekend worship gatherings or outreach events… However we can do it…. lets stay connected!



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