“Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.” Proverbs 3:6 MSG

Listening well is a gift. Listening carefully, intently to God’s voice is a gift and skill to acquire over time. Our world is chaotic and full of noise around us, everywhere. Most of the time we have a million things on our mind at once. Life can be one big distraction after another. Being focused on God’s voice is a choice to make in our world with so many voices calling for our attention.
This weekend at Journey Community Christian Church we wrap up our winter series, LET HOPE IN. We will explore how important it is to SIMPLIFY our choices each day. People are just people. Often we over-think each choice. This final episode will help guide our thoughts toward hearing God’s voice more clearly during the storms of life.
In this series finale we’ll quickly review the four choices people can make this year for the best year ever: 1) Choose to transform the pain instead of transferring it 2) Choose to be OK with not being OK 3) Choose to trust rather than please. 4) Choose to free people rather than hurt people.
If this sounds like the topic you have been searching for in 2023, block an hour for joining us in-person or online: Journey Sat@6pm and Journey Sun@10:30am. Both in-person Saturday and Sunday services have been growing each weekend in 2023. We continue to meet new guests each time; most return for more.
I know what you thinking? Busy weekend? I am sure everyone has lots of things on their list to do. Not sure if you can make some time? Why not give God a shot and just SIMPLIFY your schedule a bit. You have OPTIONS to consider. Try worship online if it’s impossible to be here in person. Two services in-person, Saturday and Sunday for whichever day works best.
Let’s try to choose a part of the weekend to hear God’s voice. He will keep us on track in our hurried and busy lifestyle. Do me a favor. INVITE a friend to Come & See… check things out… HEAR God’s message for them also.
PS - If you join us Sunday, plan to stick around for a POTLUCK meal right after Sunday worship. Who doesn’t like to eat? Just saying.