Did you take a course in High School called Driver’s Ed? Did your dad or mom take you out in a big empty parking lot to give you some driving practice? Many people today get a discount on their auto insurance for having had no recent accidents. Clearly, there are some tangible benefits for having proper training before operating a motor vehicle.

Have you ever had a serious auto accident? How about a fender bender? There are many seen/unseen factors which determine our ability to travel safely in a vehicle. Weather issues, heavy traffic at rush hour, and distracted drivers with cell phones are often at the top of the list for causes of accidents.
I have known a few drivers who will read a book, newspaper, or eat a meal while driving! This also is another high risk factor while driving. And if you’re are a mom/dad with back seat passengers in car seats needing immediate attention this may create distractions for driving safely. Have you ever just pulled over your car to a curb to settle things down?
We could go on about lack of sleep, bright sunlight in our eyes, animals loose on the highway, potholes to dodge, unclear road signs, incorrect information from Google maps, unseen accidents ahead, alcohol and drugs, or speeding vehicles, all which are factors for driving safely.
Are you someone who is known as a nervous driver?
This weekend at Journey Church Cynthiana, part two in our current series, GOOD CALL: No more D.I.Y. we’ll take a look in the Bible: 1 John 2:3-29. We’ll share this idea: The Church Jesus started in the Bible 2,000 years ago should resemble a Safe Driving Course. Are you curious to know more?
Join us this weekend Journey Sat@6pm/Sun@10:30am in-person and online FB streaming. Funny thing, we’ll talk about about: people can have similar thoughts regarding driving habits and church habits. Many times people will stay away from Churches for the same reason they avoid driving vehicles in high risk situations; anxiety and fear! Let’s talk abut it.
See you this weekend in one of our gathering times. Bring a friend and guest to join us. Tell them this is not church like they may have imagined. We really are a place for people who are looking for a family, a place to feel welcome.
Come as you are. Casual dress is fine. Jeans and khaki pants fit great everywhere. Bed and pillow hair a bad look? No problem, wear a hat; you will look cool! If you don’t drive, no problem; catch a ride. Let us know if we can help with transpiration. We probably have someone already at Journey who is nearby you.