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Bobby's Thursday Blog


Do you read online reviews before making purchases? Probably so. Most people do. A bad review can be disastrous for a small business. If you are an entertainer the last thing you want are mixed or poor reviews about your concert. Today many people read church websites like reading business reviews before ever entering an in person church service.

This sort of personal research regarding your establishment presents different dynamics from the old days of newspaper and TV advertising. Many people today have already done some homework and made judgements about their interest in your enterprise long before you get a chance to put out the welcome mat.

Reviews matter a lot. It can pre-determine who is actually going to make an appearance at your location. The data and algorithms today give insight for potential levels of traffic at your door. Who is giving reviews matters a lot also. If it is someone whose opinion we regard highly it can boost our confidence to check things out.

This brings me to our new summer/fall series kicking off this weekend at Journey Church. Will you consider helping us spread some good vibes about this series? We are looking at the letter of Ephesians in the Bible. It is one of the classics in the Bible everyone should read and understand. It is only six chapters long.

The author is the Apostle Paul who is providing support and follow-up for new Jesus followers in the Church at Ephesus. The messages are timely and relevant today. The Apostle is guided by the Holy Spirit. He gives us helpful instructions outlining the expected benefits of being a Christian who is connected and engaged in a local church family.

Churches need good reviews also. According to research I have seen the #1 influencer when inviting people who do not attend church is a friend who regularly attends there. You have more influence on your friends and neighbors than a minister whom is still an unknown factor to them.

If you’ve found Journey Community Christian Church in Cynthiana the kind of place most people could feel right at home, maybe it’s a good time to share an invite this week. Most everyone I know who reads reviews wants to KNOW they’ll not be disappointed. They are usually concerned about quality control kind of things. You know, like customer service, quality of the product offered, friendly people, and clean facilities.

If your in person experience at Journey Church exceeded your expectations maybe you could share that with a friend. From my own experience, one bad experience is hard to recover from. Connie and I have just traveled for the first time with a new airline. It was a disappointing experience for us both. We removed the app from our phone when we arrived at home. No more needs to be said.

Your feedback with family and friends is powerful. Everyone has intended to invite others to check things out where we regularly worship. This new series at Journey Church, FORWARD THINKING, is just the sort of teaching about the Church in the Bible, people are looking for today.

I am praying you are able to give a good review regarding Journey to all your friends before the weekend. Expect something to happen that is good. Someone may even join you and be your guest this time !



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