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Bobby's Thursday Blog

Progress is hard, but not Impossible

I borrow this from Dr. Jim Denison and his daily email. I am a subscriber. You can read the entire article at

“Philosophical theologian Paul Tillich… writes in his sermon… ‘The Shaking of the Foundations,’  after World War II… there was a time when science persuaded us to ‘believe in our earth as the place for establishment of the kingdom of God’ and ‘to believe in ourselves as those through whom this was to be achieved.’ These false prophets cried, ‘Progress, infinite progress! Peace, universal peace! Happiness, happiness for everyone!’

But then science gave man the power ‘to annihilate himself and the world.’ Now, according to Tillich, we know that we are not achieving ‘infinite progress’ and ‘universal peace.’

Tillich warning is still valid and urgent:  Man is not God; and whenever he has claimed to be like God, he has been rebuked and brought to self-destruction and despair.”

This weekend at Journey Church Cynthiana we’ll be in Galatians 3:1-9. We are in a series where the Apostle Paul is guiding new unreligious Jesus followers (Gentiles) and older, extremely religious, now Jesus followers (Jewish) to find freedom in Jesus. Jesus is for everyone. Those who have been religious for years, and those who have never been. Jesus changes everything.

Last weekend we shared just because we follow Jesus doesn't mean we’re not capable of still being foolish. If you missed that message it is on YouTube, our Journey Church Cynthiana Facebook Page, and our Journey website:

The Bible makes it clear: even after Jesus, we have an illness (weakness) called SIN which we never fully recover from, until heaven. We are forgiven immediately by Jesus and The Cross. However, living like Jesus is a long process of surrendering more of us (old us) daily. This process of growing like Jesus in attitudes and actions can look like 3 steps forward, 2 steps back.

It’s ok to not be ok. Just don’t stay that way. Trusting God more with our everyday details is not easy peasy; but it’s not impossible. Keep telling yourself and others, "We’re not impossible. Jesus says so. We can’t fix ourselves." Like the article I posted above; only God can fix what is broken in our world.

Give God a chance to turn things around for you and the world.. How about this weekend at your local church nearby. Or, if you are nearby Journey Church Cynthiana walk inside and check things out.

All you need to do, like Jesus followers said, is “Come And See!”


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