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Bobby's Thursday Blog

Mom's are the Best

Connie and I have been watching an amazing Springtime story of birth and life unfold for weeks. Just outside our living room window a big momma Robin (dad helped) built her nest (again). This tree has become a regular nesting place for Robins each Spring. We watched mom and dad Robin fly back and forth, finding mud, sticks, and straw, shaping their nest.

Soon after the nest was completed, five (we think) blue Robin eggs were tucked safely inside.   

Five eggs is our best guess. We’re not absolutely certain how many eggs were in the nest. Momma Robin is very protective. Now, all the eggs have hatched. We’ve peeked inside the busy nest. Trying not to disturb the bird family, we’ve taken a picture every few days.

These little guys grow fast. They are squeezed in tight; on top of each other, like sardines in a can. The nest is about head high off the ground. Those rascals are sticking their necks out above the nest. It’s a scramble for who is first, grabbing a juicy worm for breakfast, I told Connie this morning it will not be long until all the baby birds have to move out of the tiny bird nest. That’s when the real danger comes.

Each little bird flies away to a bigger world; places with freedom to enjoy. There will also be danger. If one of the baby birds is unable to fly to safety the neighborhood cat may be nearby.      

MOM (me too) is always rooting for the baby birds to fly. This story of baby birds and their MOM guiding them to fly away, can be much like our own life experiences. Our MOM is the best!

Join us this weekend, Mother’s Day 2024 at Journey Community Christian Church. I am traveling for the rest of this week. Bryan Martinez, Youth Minister is sharing the MOM’S Day weekend message.

This Bible message will help us recognize MOM is on a mission. Her goal is to have a forever, positive impact. MOM is always there, giving and sharing grace throughout our life. MOM is no push-over. MOM has rules also. But at the end of a hard day it is MOM who is always, there!

Like the baby birds, I described, MOM. feeds, cares, and nourishes us forever. She is making sure we’re ready to fly; taking on the freedom of the great big world.

Happy Mother’s Day 2024.   

Mom’s are the best.


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