We live in a small, rural town with 6,500 residents. We have lots of passenger pickup trucks for farm and work related transportation; also for hauling small cargo items each day. We have four stoplights along Main Street. There are numerous 4-way Stop Signs on artery streets which feed into the Main Street leading through our town.

In addition to small truck traffic, we have a fair amount of larger trucks passing though our town each day. Even though we are not a destination city for daily commerce there are two heavily traveled State Highways going through our town.
These State Highways are primary routes for many tractor trailers hauling freight to larger city locations. Tractor trailer traffic navigating around tight, narrow corners presents a few logistical challenges for other drivers where we live. Residents who live here are aware the importance of leaving room for large trucks to make their turns through our smaller streets. Sometimes you just have to back-up and give them your lane.
This weekend at Journey Community Christian Church present part four of our series, LET HOPE IN. We will explore what it might look like, giving people room, to turn-around from their mistakes. People are just people; alike in many ways. However, we can be like trucks. Some of us are like small passenger trucks, nimble and quick making turns. Others though, have heavy cargo, pulls long trailers with baggage from a difficult past.
When we meet someone trying to navigate through an intersection of their life, give them a little room. Grace will go a long way, like backing-up for a big 18-wheeler truck and trailer making a sharp turn in your town. If Jesus has made our journey smoother, setting us free from our past, let’s try to pay it forward, helping others do the same.
I hope you will make to plans to join us again this weekend. Journey is growing again. We may need to bring out more chairs. Bring a friend and seat buddy. Tell them we’ve got some driving tips for people who live in small towns. It really is a relevant and helpful lesson in the Bible for everyone.
Rather than letting people annoy and irritate us, like some traffic mishap, lets find a way to make a different choice. We can choose to free up someone, rather than hurt them, or get even.
Let’s make a little room for others mistakes…. Jesus would!