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Bobby's Thursday Blog

Make It Personal

Early this morning I heard the school bus go by our house. It didn’t stop at our driveway. We no longer have kids at home going back to school any longer. Connie and I have 3 adult children, 6 grandchildren, and 1 great grandchild. Just like you, we pray and think of our adult children and grandchildren every single day.

The thing about families, it’s personal. As school begins today in our community my heart was flooded with good feelings for families, children, teachers, bus drivers, cooks in the cafeteria, and those custodians cleaning floors. We’re a community of people making school and education a personal thing for every family. We are better together.

This weekend we launch a new fall series at Journey Community Christian Church. We want to ask your help. Will you consider inviting friends and family who aren’t plugged in anywhere. The timing for YOUR invite may be perfect.  As school begins this could be the moment to be friendly and neighborly. Just help other grown-ups keep learning and growing, just like our kids improving math and reading skills this year.    

This series is titled FREE. We can gain new insight and training when we take a look at the Bible with more focus. Galatians is a letter written to the churches of Galatia, a region with many brand new Jesus followers. I am thinking this Bible and outlines will come in handy when our 1st family crisis arrives after the start of school. Somebody will get in an big argument on the playground, coming home in tears. How will you respond and help?

The Bible is very practical for parents and kids. We find useful and insightful information which guides us in real life experiences. How should grownups react when the school needs money and inflation is so high? Attitudes from parents at home will shape how the day goes for our kids. Lets pray fro wisdom in our communication at home before we spoil everyones day.    

If any of this seems relevant and helpful for your family right now, jump inside Journey Church this weekend for more. Journey Sat@6pm/Sun@10:30am. Let’s do this. We are better together.

If you are seeking more authentic, organic, practical, right-from-the-Bible guidelines, this series will help. Remember, share the invite around what circle of friends you are sharing time with right now. This could be exactly what we all are needing for a smooth transition as school starts again.

Go God. Let’s do this….


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