I am told everyone has natural colors which match their personality and style. Maybe you have heard this before. I have always been a blue shirt kind of person. I once was told by someone that the yellow and blue shirt I was wearing was my best look, ever. Even Johnny Cash was always wearing his favorite color, black.

Apparently, we all have our favorite colors we enjoy in clothing. This weekend at Journey Church Cynthiana we take another look at our summer series, FORGOTTEN VIRTUES. This lesson is the the virtue we call, LOYALTY! Do your family, friends and Church know you as a LOYAL person? Let me suggest that loyalty really looks good on everyone.
The problem with favorite colors and clothings styles, as I see it, is that we tend to over-do-it. People are just people. If we land on a color or brand we feel confident in when sporting it about town, likely we’ve filled the closet with more of the same. If we like Hawaiian shirts and cowboy boots, we likely have several stashed away and hanging in our closet right now.
Hawaiian shirts may be comfortable and cowboy boots may be durable on horseback but they may not be our best look at every event. Having a trusted friend who can help advise us when changes in color and apparel may be wise, can be helpful.
In a similar way the Bible is like our very own personal advisor for almost everything in life which matters. Can I say this once more? Loyalty to your family, friends, and Church really looks good on you! The Bible tells us so. This truth can be trusted whatever is trending in the world today.
Summer officially began yesterday, longest day of the year. Now everyone will be in full vacation mode to travel and enjoy the next few weeks before school begins all over. If you are in town this weekend, we invite you to join us for another relevant and helpful outline from the Bible.
I promise it will not feel like trying to swallow medicine which tastes really bad. This is more like standing in front of a full size mirror where you get to purchase a brand new outfit Together we are discovering virtues which really look good on people like us.
When people are disloyal to those they care about, it is something like wearing an unattractive color or style of clothing. Disloyalty really doesn’t look good on those who follow Jesus and want to be more like HIm. It’s like getting stuck on something (favorite shirt) old, dirty and worn out and then refusing to refresh old things hanging in the closet.
Give it a shot this weekend as we learn more about loyalty. Join us Journey Sat@6pm.- Sun@10:30am. Let’s do this. If you haven’t been to in-person worship for awhile check things out again.
Oh, and if you are planning to buy me my favorite blue shirt for my birthday, don’t buy blue this year! My wife is tired of blue shirts in my closets. Just saying.
See you this weekend. Go God.