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Bobby's Thursday Blog

Learning to Drive

Who taught you to drive?  Who was your instructor?  What kind of car did you learn to drive? Is this the car you took your driver test in? Did you get your license on your 1st try? What has been the farthest distance and destination you have ever driven, including overnight stays along the way?

Everyone has to start somewhere. I learned to drive very young in life. I began driving farm tractors and trucks. I learned by personal experience. This was long before I was even old enough to get a drivers license. Driving is a privilege which is earned. A license is not automatic. You can lose your license for various reasons.

I was very close to losing my drivers license when I was a young teenager because of speeding tickets. The State of Kentucky had a point system. If you received 12 points for speeding tickets within 12 months your license was suspended.

Speeding tickets had a stiff fine and a loss of 3 points for every ticket. I had lost 10 points off my license and another speeding ticket in the same year would have cost me my freedom to drive legally. It was a close call.

This weekend at Journey Church Cynthiana we’ll jump back Into the current fall series, FREE... using the Bible as our base of discussion. If you want to take a peek and look ahead we’re checking things out this weekend in Galatians 4:1-7. This outline will help us confirm and clarify our partnership with God. We receive the most benefits and blessings when we continue growing and maturing in our spiritual development.

Just like being a kid who wants to learn to drive, we begin with God as a “Christian kid” needing some lessons, learning a few baby steps, discovering what it looks like to walk with God each day. When it comes to the “church thing” some of us have tried to learn by personal experience.

This can be productive. I did teach myself to drive without drivers training. Still, I would have saved myself a lot money and trouble if I had considered the consequences of trying to do things my own way. I nearly lost my license. If we avoid help from others in small group, worship gatherings, and learning what a disciple of Jesus needs to be doing, there can be life relationship consequences. Our life plans may go sideways and in a ditch.

Speed and fast cars landed me in the ditch a few times. This happens to all of us. Just saying.

Join us this weekend and bring a seat buddy. I have a feeling this lesson from the Bible will be very relevant for just about anybody. Who knows, it may a defining moment in your friends life also. You have two chances to make a Journey connection on the weekend.

Journey Sat@6pm and Sun@10:30am. See you there. Let me know about your drivers license. How long you been driving? Did you ever get a speeding ticket? Driving is a privilege. Knowing God is always a privilege to enjoy!   

More God.


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