“Jesus spent more time talking about money and possessions than about heaven and hell combined. But too often we’ve overlooked or misunderstood his most profound teaching on this topic, from his words in Matthew 6. Jesus offers us life-changing investment advice. He actually wants us to store up treasures for ourselves—just not on earth. Instead, he urges us to store our treasure in heaven, where they will await us, and last forever. We can’t take it with us—but we can send it on ahead!” Randy Alcorn - The Treasure Principle

This weekend at Journey Church Cynthiana we begin a short, 3 week series, BEFORE Easter Weekend April 19th/20th. This NEW series is a bit of continuation of Jesus' words from Matthew 5-7. Jesus' Irresistible words… (our 4 week series, just completed from Matthew 5-7) life changing words of HOPE, GENEROSITY, MERCY, and COMPASSION… transformational words, radical words, and counter-cultural words that shattered status-quo thinking in the early 1st century Church that Jesus launched AFTER the Cross.
If you were inspired and changed by the Irresistible words of Jesus in our prior series, get ready for more refreshed, modern-day, Jesus words unearthed for maximum JOY in this short 3 week series. Jesus teaches another radical secret — this time, wrapped up in our giving to God and others. Jesus spoke to the multitudes of His day and promised (them and us) once we discover this Jesus Way of giving, life will never be the same. And you won’t want it to be.
Bring a Journey guest and help them get this JOYFUL giving started in their life as well. I promise you Jesus words in Matthew Chapter 6 will open your eyes to refreshed Biblical principles regarding wealth, ownership, stewardship, and generosity. This short 3 week series has 6 stewardship principles which will change everything we think about money today.
There is momentum building in the world today for God (John 3:16) and Jesus’ Good News (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Jesus has conquered death; so, we can also. Grab a friend who may be drifting in moments of uncertainty about the future. Help them to know God is for them, not against them.
Easter 2025 may be the most important event in the world for everyone this year. God is doing something BIG! Invite someone to join you wherever you plan to gather, April 20th, Easter 2025.
Hope to see you at Journey Church for this classic series from the Bible. Jesus is trending around the world. People are returning to churches. Revival and baptisms are happening on college campuses again. Let us help YOU make a Jesus decision on Easter Weekend 2025. Let’s do this. Go God!