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Bobby's Thursday Blog

Inch by Inch

“Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20 NLT

Even when we, just can’t see it; even if our situation is hard to swallow, God is there. When we had to make a quick trip to the emergency room, God was with us. When our first child was born and it was a long labor, God was on board. Throughout life there are defining moments when it may feel as though, we’ve been altogether forgotten; God is still, nearby.

You and I are valued by God and worthy of His attention, even when it doesn’t feel like it. This weekend at Journey Community Christian Church we take another look at our series, VALUED… People Matter Most. This time we take a peek at a desperate widow and her son who are without food, nearly starved. Their situation for survival looks hopeless. But…

God is nearby, once again.

If you want to read ahead the text is 1 Kings 17. Israel has endured a severe drought resulting in an extreme famine lasting 3.5 years. What is a person to do when it feels like no one can help, no one understands?

If you have never read this story in the Bible, check it out. Who can do this kind of stuff? God orders ravens to feed the prophet Elijah bringing him bread and meat, morning and night. Elijah went into a witness protection location, hiding in the wilderness, after calling out the continued unfaithfulness of Israel’s leaders.

It would take bold faith to believe God could supply his food and water in the wilderness by birds making daily delivery. Surely, Elijah and his faith grew leaps and bounds. Have you had personal experiences with God where your faith seemed to grow beyond expectation?

People are just people. Sometimes our faith seems to creep slowly forward, inch by inch, growing at a snails pace; then suddenly, it takes off again! It’s OK to not be OK. JUST DON'T STAY THERE.

If you are going through a particularly difficult time right now, with your faith contracting more than expanding, this lesson may help restore faith and confidence. You can do this. We are better together. Somehow, God will provide (Jehovah Jireh) what we need! Crazy as it may seem… He always does!

Inch by inch, life’s a cinch, yard by yard, life is hard…. Never forget… no matter how IMPOSSIBLE… God is with us….



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