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Bobby's Thursday Blog

God is Rooting for Us

As I jot down a few words today, Connie and I are making final preparations to fly out of town and join some dear friends in Colorado. Our friendship goes back many years ago when everyone was much younger. It will be so enjoyable to catch up again; hearing about all the things God is doing in our families and their lives.

Bryan Martinez, Youth Minister at Journey Church Cynthiana, is speaking this weekend while I am way. Some of you have heard Bryan in the past. You are in for a treat. He is a terrific speaker. I’ve read his notes for his weekend message. Bryan is sharing some of his own personal experiences of growing humble, child-like faith, into deeper faith.

I am praying and rooting for him to present the exact sort of words that God would want him to share. The truth is God is rooting for all of us, whatever tasks we have for today. You don’t have to be a minister at a local church for God to use you for His purpose. God is with us, everyone, each day.

If you are a parent of a child who just returned to school, God is rooting for you to be your best. Maybe you work in healthcare and arrive home exhausted from helping people. God is rooting for you as you sleep and rest before another day. What if you are a factory worker who has shift work or farmer who comes home late most every night. The Bible promises God is rooting for you also.

God will help us sort things out; even when we’ve become depleted and feel unsure if we can ever recover. Never lose faith, God is nearby. He is trustworthy and promises to carry our burdens when we’ve become exhausted.

“If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest. Take the yoke I give you. Put it on your shoulders and learn from me. I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest. This yoke is easy to bear, and this burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 CEV

Remember being a kid and arriving home feeling defeated. Maybe you got pushed around on the playground by a bully? It could be other people laughed at you in an unkind manner? Parents knew just what we needed at that moment. Maybe a trip to DQ or the local park helped make things better.

Set aside an hour this weekend - Journey Sat@6pm/Sun@10:30am and let Bryan share a few tips for surviving the daily challenges in our world. There is plenty of take-away for everyone, whatever your age group. Feeling wearied by it all? Give God another look this weekend.

“Jesus looked straight at them and said, ‘There are some things people cannot do, but God can do anything.’ ” Matthew 19:26 CEV



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