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Bobby's Thursday Blog

Best Practices for Jesus Influencers

Becoming a Jesus follower and a Christian doesn’t automatically cure us from being foolish. On occasion, we have a relapse, defaulting to former actions and practices which were often deemed unwise. Where did you learn helpful insights for making better decisions? Who influenced you with life lessons which have guided you most? Besides your immediate family whom has been instrumental in your spiritual growth?

Was it a minister in the Church where you grew up? Or maybe your Youth Minister in the teen years? For some, a retreat or concert was just enough to get us started in a growth spurt again for Jesus and His local Church family. Becoming our best version as a Jesus follower is a long journey. This takes time. Consistent spiritual growth works best with regular times around people who can guide us. It’s not automatic. We need polishing a bit; even after a Jesus decision.        

In a similar way the careers we choose were often heavily influenced by people we respected (mom & dad).  Maybe you, like me, grew up on a small farm or ranch and had daily chores. You grew a bit with responsibility. Maybe you had a paper route in a small town or city. You learned how to be a salesman and entrepreneur. Others created their own small business enterprise of mowing yards or babysitting. Mom and dad were likely there cheering us on. Rooting for our success. We are better together.    

We can thank our lucky stars for those helpful, early lessons in life which led to future success. Say: Amen! We owe people (parents, supervisors, teachers) a BIG thank you; all those who were a crucial part of our training and equipping for lifelong success. The helpful guidance of many others helped us to minimize foolish mistakes, later. Say: Amen!      

This weekend at Journey Community Christian Church we're checking out another outline from the Bible in Galatians. We’ll discover and share teaching which is just as relevant today as centuries ago. How might we (Jesus followers) all BREAK FREE, through Jesus' grace… and not become foolish with our newfound freedoms? We are better together at church, also.

If you want a teaser before the weekend, here it is. I’ll share 3 current practices we all need to improve. 1 -Stability in our relationships with others. Give everyone a fair shake.  2 - Be the person who demonstrates Authenticity. Be the real deal. 3 - Exhibit Flexibility. Try not being rigid. Have a softer heart. These are some best practices we’ll share on the weekend.      

If you haven’t joined us lately because of a busy summer, you may be surprised. We’re growing. God is doing something. More and more people are arriving; bringing more people. Many of you have become terrific Jesus influencers. Come and check things out. You may walk away with a BIG smile and say: Go God. Most people do, who arrive these days.    

See you at Journey this weekend. Journey Sat@6pm/Sun@10:30am in person and online.

God is Good. Go God!!!


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