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Bobby's Thursday Blog

Be a Better Human

Let’s just all agree the world needs a little help. Some days it feels as though we are the last person left. We might feel as if we’re living alone, on some vast, lonely prairie. Thinking there is not another house in sight for miles. No neighbors anywhere. We wonder, what has happened to our world? We may wonder if we’re the only healthy, normal person alive.

The problem is complex, but it isn’t impossible. Finding consensus seems unreachable? How can anyone make things better in the world? We’ve tried political solutions, mergers, medical research, higher education, and modern innovations for centuries. Short-term progress is made often, but longer extended solutions have been evasive. What if our best days are still in front of us?

Without question the human race has markedly progressed in many areas of knowledge well beyond imagination. We are now making plans to travel once again to the Moon and even Mars. Yet, our quality of life for many is unclear. How might we jumpstart a new approach? How can we do something (personal) in our own neighborhood?

This weekend at Journey Community Christian Church we’ll roll out a new 5-week, summer series, Forgotten Virtues. We check out what it would look like to develop and improve our individual character each day. So let me ask you? Are you interested in becoming a better person (In your neighborhood)? If so, this summer series may be just the sort of thing you need right now.

For 5-weeks we’ll look inside the Bible for ancient thoughts and direction for living in our modern world. What does God say regarding honor, purity, loyalty, integrity, and gratitude. These (5) Biblical topics will help everyone enhance our thoughts and actions for improving everything in our world each day. Unlike a mandatory class to attend this can be life transformational.

WE can try to be better humans.

VIR-TUE - noun 1- behavior showing high moral standards 2- a quality considered good or desirable in a person.

Let’s be better humans. Join us this weekend and we’ll share an outline for practical ways to show honor to others. Hope to see you for part one.



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