Have you got one? A “fishy” story? Probably so, most people do. So, what is a “fishy” story? Usually, it means a story which seems improbable, quite unlikely, or completely untrue. Who hasn’t caught a small fish or spun a tall tale of exaggeration that grew enormous by the time you arrived home to tell others.

We are only a few days (11) away from Easter 2023. Many of us, our family, and our friends will gather April 8/9 to celebrate Jesus is Risen! He is not dead. He is alive! Jesus changes everything!
This seems a bit strange to say this, but there are still people who are not very clear what Easter is all about. Do you believe in Easter? Besides being a National holiday? When we begin speaking about Someone (Jesus) rising from the dead it seems a bit “fishy” if you’ve never read the story of Jesus and the Cross from the Bible.
If you’ve always thought (maybe you kept it to yourself) Jesus rising from the dead was a “whale” of a story; too good, to be true? Well, don’t close the Book (The Bible) just yet. Maybe this is the year to take a closer look. Churches around the world are seeing consistent increase with in-person and online church attendance. Both small and large churches report a stir of enthusiasm, gaining momentum in 2023.
Something is happening, like fresh wind of God in our world. And it appears a spiritual awakening is beginning, once more. Jesus made an appearance at the Super Bowl in the halftime ads. Over 125 million people saw Jesus message on network and cable TV. You can still check out the ads on YouTube and website: www.HeGetsUs.com
If you have been a closet skeptic or out front doubter of Easter gatherings, maybe give Easter 2023 another chance. Visit a church you may have attended before the pandemic. Or look for a nearby, neighborhood church with an open door. If you are in our area of Central Kentucky, just Come And See… for yourself, what the big fuss about Easter is all about.
This weekend at Journey Church Cynthiana we have an outline from the Bible that is another type of “fish” story. Jesus met everyday people like us (fishermen) blue collar, hard working people with a family to feed, and He invited them to COME follow Me… I will make you fishers of men and women… and neighbors… and friends… and even strangers you meet in the grocery line or gas station.
This lesson is some of the final instructions Jesus gave His followers before He went to the Cross. This is a “fish” story you really need to hear! Turns out, YOU and me are the big fish Jesus doesn’t want to miss out on. “For God so loved the world.” John 3:16 NASB
Easter is for everybody. Let’s tell everybody.