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Bobby's Thursday Blog

You are Valued!
Journey Community Christian Church in Cynthiana is currently in a series describing the high value God places on all people. This series...

Inch by Inch
“Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the...

What's Better Than Bacon?
OK, I admit the title above is a trick. One of my guys in small group recently said, “When I get to heaven the first thing I’m going to...

Most Embarrassing Moment
Complete this sentence. My most embarrassing moment in life was _______________ . All of us have things we’re not proud of; maybe an...

Bryan Martinez, Journey's Youth Minister, is speaking for me this weekend. I have asked him to present a message before I begin a new...

Be The Church
“19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of of the Holy Spirit, 20...

Urgent Care
The sign is nearly impossible to miss. Normally, it will be flashing, bright red or orange neon letters, indicating medical help is just...

Longest Run Ever
Everyone desires to be a winner at something. The longest-running game show in television history is The Price Is Right. The series has...

A Fishy Story
Have you got one? A “fishy” story? Probably so, most people do. So, what is a “fishy” story? Usually, it means a story which seems...

What Jesus Said
We begin a new five-week series at Journey Community Christian Church this weekend titled DISCIPLE. This series will help lead us into...
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